I read the phrase of my title the other day and immediately thought of 2023, the year I took a break from social media. I have wanted to write this post for some time, but people rarely read blog posts anymore. Besides, who really cares that I took a break from Facebook? Well, I keep feeling this nudge to write about the lesson I learned, so maybe it will encourage you, too.

Last year, I didn’t post family photos or highlights or share my writing. I had no words of wisdom for the masses in my posts (that’s sarcasm), and selfies were not even in my vocabulary. I tried my best to decrease myself and increase the Word of God in my life. I took time away from my phone to make room for Bible reading, prayer, work, hobbies, health, and being fully present with the people I love.

Something unique happened; I started to experience new joy and an unexplainable contentment. It’s difficult to explain, but when I purposely took my “eyes” off myself—seeking God for my confidence and happiness—I found a refreshing joy in the shadows. Nothing drastically changed in my life. I still had the same struggles, concerns, and prayer requests, but my concentration focused on my audience of One. In turn, I felt a peace in my circumstances.

I love to garden, so I have to use this analogy. My vegetables and flowers don’t grow without my attention and care. This year alone, I have tilled the soil, watered, and protected my plants from predators. Well, so it is with us. We live in a self-focused culture. Our sinful nature is driven by self, but our smartphones and digital connection to the world put us in self-focus overdrive. God calls us to pause, pursue Him with all our hearts, and devote our time to grow in Him. In stepping away from all the distractions and attention, I found the cultivation of the fruit of His Spirit that grew in me, and joy took precedence.

Now, this is not where I transition to “preach” to you about taking a break from social media or spending less time on your phone. That should only be driven by your convictions, not my experiences. I just want to encourage you to find contentment and joy in devoted time spent with Christ and His creation. That doesn’t have to be just your devotional time (although that’s a priority). It could be while you garden, paint, craft, fish, cook—or multiple ways of using your God-given talents for others. It could be putting your phone away while you spend time with friends and family with whom God has blessed your life. It could be simply being quiet with your thoughts and in prayer.  

We don’t cultivate joy with lasting effects on our digital devices. I needed that reminder.

In 2023, cultivating joy in the shadows was about being fully present in the real world. I had to let go of distractions and my need for attention and seek only the attention of One. I even let go of some of my goals and ambitions, laying them aside to await God’s direction. I learned a valuable lesson. My soul needs cultivating. Growing in Christ begins with less of me. Active decreasing looks different for everyone, but deep down, we all know what takes us away from quality time with God and our family. Humility is what upends that pride in us.

I know I’ll probably forget, get self-sidetracked, and will be reminded to cultivate yet again. After all, it is my sinful nature, but I am thankful for my time away. God reminded me that I am precious in his sight—ALONE. King David used the phrase “Hide me in the shadow of your wings” (Psalm 17:8). He was probably referring to protection from his enemies but it still applies. God’s wings of protection are also about reshaping our priorities in Him, and away from the enemy intent on stealing our joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

 He and only He is where the joy is!


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Comments (2)

  1. Your sister in blood & Christ 😬

    wonderful take on taking a break from SM…the joy of being
    (whether with God and/or people “IRL” or nature)❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  2. Rachelle

    Beautiful! Thank you! I needed to hear that this morning!
    Sweet blessings to you!

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