I don’t have a good memory.

I blame it on having three kids or not taking some natural vitamin that boosts my brain power.

I am constantly writing memos and lists so I remember to do all the things that I think of for a split second before it will vanish.

Thank you, to the person who invented sticky notes!

Sometimes as a Christian, I wish I could remember my journey with God. I wish I could recall to mind all the times God spoke to my heart, taught me a valuable lesson, encouraged my faith, or answered that prayer that I thought would never be answered.

Why do I forget God’s goodness to me, time and time again?

It’s like I wish I could write God-journey-memos and put them on my heart, so I never forget God’s faithfulness to me.

Fear sets in… Pull a memo… Oh, yes, Lord, that’s right. You were there then. You are still here with me.

Anger gets ahold of me… Pull a memo… Yes, anger destroys but peace brings forgiveness and healing. You taught me that, Lord.

Doubt plagues my mind… memo found… Yup, I remember that prayer. That was a long journey with you, God. I doubted, but Lord you were there. You gave me peace and contentment in the process. God, you are always faithful!

I don’t know why I forget God’s faithfulness to me over and over again. Maybe it’s my memory. Or perhaps it’s because God wants me to keep pursuing my relationship with Him and lean on His words and not mine. If I remembered every God-journey-memo, then maybe I would depend too much on my thoughts, taking for granted the power of God’s word.

I am thankful I don’t need my memos because God gave us His reminders through the Scriptures. The only thing I need to remember is to keep pursuing Him.

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. (Deuteronomy 11:18)

I’ll probably always forget, but I am grateful for His daily reminder.

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