“Lord, be the pen in our hands.”

I was recently on a writer’s call, and this phrase was a part of someone’s opening prayer to our meeting. His words resonated with me and immediately brought me to a place of reflection and humility.

Looking back on this year, I am grateful for all the opportunities I have been given to use that proverbial “pen” to write and edit. Most of what I write is under other names, and everything I edit is to help other Christian writers and voices.

In 2024, I helped an author testify to his Muslim brothers and sisters that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. I guided a writer in unveiling her adoption story, revealing God’s grace in life’s unplanned events. I have written articles and countless appeals to support an organization’s mission of bringing the biblical worldview to public policy and culture. Currently, I am assisting a pastor with transcribing his expository sermons into book form and helping an author write his testimony of being miraculously saved from a life consumed by hatred and the drug methamphetamine. Needless to say, it’s been a full year.

I absolutely love this career God has been developing in me for over ten years, but this year, I have been more mindful of God’s hand in the ministry of writing.

When I first started writing professionally, I was consumed by perfectionism. All I wanted was for people to call me a good writer. When someone described my published piece as well-written, I blushed with pride. When someone pointed out glaring errors, I dwelled on my lack of experience and strived to perfect my skills. It wasn’t wrong that I aimed to be a better writer and editor, but my priorities were misplaced. I was leaning on the me-centric aspect of writing and not “God’s pen in my hand.”

Interestingly, when I devoted the first part of my day to reading God’s Word, things began to shift in my career. Doors began to open to assist other writers, and I found joy in being behind the scenes. I started to understand the magnitude of the opportunities God was giving me. He wanted me to guide people in glorifying Him in their writing. He was not using me or my voice less; He was making me into an instrument of “His pen in their hand.”

When I let go of perfectionism and stopped striving for personal gain and recognition, I found fulfillment in being a part of the ministry of the written word. It never ceases to amaze me what God can do when we shift our focus on Him and His Word.

Now, every opportunity I am given to aid an author’s voice, I write their name down in my prayer journal and pray for the impact of their voice to glorify God and to bring others to the knowledge of Christ. I pray that God will use me and perfect my skills to guide others effectively.

But as I reflect on that prayer phrase, I can’t help but be humbled by the Author of my life. He was the pen in the hand of Moses, King David, the prophets, the disciples, and Apostle Paul—nearly forty authors inspired by the Holy Spirit to tell the most remarkable narrative this world has ever known. I can’t help but think of the scribes who diligently and meticulously worked behind the scenes to transcribe the Word of God to share with the masses. They were all instrumental in handing us an incredible legacy—the story of the Word made flesh, our Savior and Lord.

God’s pen is alive and well. He guides writers and editors. He leads pastors and teachers. He directs ministry leaders, homeschooling parents, students, and the list goes on. You don’t have to be a writer to understand the metaphor of “God’s pen in your hand.” All you have to do is be willing to be His instrument of truth. That starts with reading the Bible and being directed by the Word of God in your daily life. His pen is the sword of truth. He is the Author and Perfector of our faith.

I don’t know what other opportunities this next year will bring. All I know is that as I grow older, I am more mindful of God’s mighty hand in writing our stories.


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Comments (4)

  1. I love your heart, Julie, and your ministry of helping writers in such varied ways — the pen in God’s hands! You continue to inspire me, as your personal transparency speaks volumes to those who hear your words and see and receive your gift of acts of service! May His anointing continue to flow through your pen to inspire others to keep their pens in God’s hands as well! Christmas Blessings to you and your treasured family! And, as my husband said frequently to friends and strnagers alike the last two years before he went to live with Jesus, “You are dearly loved and don’t you ever forget it!” To which I say a hearty, “Amen!” Love you!!

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