Post-Election: ‘It’s time to stop pointing fingers and start washing feet’

In advance of the election, many faith leaders weighed in with their opinions about the presidential candidates. Abortion was a focus of many articles, tweets, and videos. As Christians who embrace the sanctity of life of the unborn, we were faced with two candidates with opposing abortion beliefs: protecting life in the womb or expanding

My Pro-Life Challenge to Christian Pastors and Leaders

There’s this saying, “You only know what you know, until you know better.” This statement accurately describes my journey of understanding abortion and the pro-life movement. Seven years ago, when I felt God calling me to be active in the pro-life mission, I had no idea where my calling would lead me. All I knew

The Gospel From A Sidewalk View

“Would you like to go pray with me outside Planned Parenthood?” my friend asked. “Sure,” I responded. We scheduled a day and time and put it on our calendars. Now, this is not a regular event for me. I have never prayed outside an abortion clinic even though I support organizations and individuals who do

The Abortion Exception: ‘Don’t Speak For Me!’

It was one of the last scenes in the movie Unplanned. Abby Johnson, played by actress Ashley Bratcher, had left her job at Planned Parenthood and was at the clinic’s gate boldly sharing with a young woman about protecting the life inside of her. It was while watching that scene when Serena Dyksen felt God

A Mission Call to Raising Pro-life Kids!

Photo courtesy of The only way to describe it is my soul just grieves. The undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress have caught everyone’s attention on social media. In the initial video, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services Dr. Deborah Nucatola is caught casually eating her lunch while describing how she kills babies in